📘Quicktrends operator list
Here's the list that you can use on all the units (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok). You'll find all the links that redirect to the specific filters.
The CTRL+F command and Command+F on a Macbook allows you to easily find your filter in the table.
You can download this page in PDF by clicking on Export as a PDF one the right corner of the screen.
Boolean operators list
Each line is independent (a new line equals OR with brackets around the line).
It's not necessary to put all the variants with and without capital letter : Visibrain considers all the letter cases variants. On the contrary you need to list the different variant of accentuations (é, à, ç, û, ï ...). Indeed, Visibrain considers a word with accent differently than the word without accent.
Operators on the content
There's no need to write the different variation with or without a capital letter : Visibrain constantly considers all the variants of the case letter.
On the contrary, you must list all the different accents variations. Indeed, Visibrain makes a difference between a word with an accent and a word without an accent.
Operators on Twitter accounts
The operators : from: retweets_of: and url: are used without the @'s user. If you put the @, your rule will not work.
Don't forget the operator from:user The operators retweets-of:user, @user or to:user used with nothing else will not catch the @user's tweets. You could get informations that are not relevant. We recommend you to constantly use them with the operator from: For example: from:user retweets_of:user
Last updated