Use the filtering system

There are two ways to use Visibrain's filtering system : - Click on existing filters - Manually add your boolean filters

Filter by Clicking

You can click on any element within your platform!

Simply click on the indicator of your choice (for example, a hashtag), and instantly all data in the Explore section will update to show posts from the Topic that contain the clicked hashtag. The filter thus created is added at the very top, and you can remove it with a single click, by clicking on the small gray cross.

You can add and combine filters as much as you like. This allows you to explore the data in a "funnel" (drill-down) manner, easily moving back and forth between different filters.

Advanced option : Multiple selection

In a few clicks you can filter on or exclude a large number of hashtags, keywords, users ....

Manual filters

Click on "Add Filter" in the top bar to add manual filters/ All the different boolean filters available on Visibrain are accessible here, we have up to 300 different options you can use to drill down your data on Visibrain. Click here to see examples Once your filter is complete, hit the "enter" key of your keyboard to validate the search and watch as Visibrain's updates your data. You can combine any number of filtering options.

A space between two words or operators works as an AND "OR" in capital letters enables you to add different options "-" works as an exclusion Parenthesis can be used to group words, add options ....

Quick list of top used filtering operators :

  • full_contains: enables you to search for a sequence of characters of portion of words throught social posts, articles, quoted tweets, replies ....

  • from: enables you to focus on a user's acitivy and identifiy all posts published by a user

  • bio_contains: enables you to filter through user's biographies to identify groups of influencers, communities ...

  • lang: filter on a specific language

Last updated