
The CTRL+F command and Command+F on a Macbook allows you to easily find your filter in the table

Filters on Content



It allows you to focus on all the posts containing that keyword with or without a # before.

car It focuses on all the posts containing the keyword "car" or the hashtag "#car".

"exact expression"

It allows you to focus on all the posts containing that exact expression. In other words, all the word that the expression contains, in this precise order.

"blue car" It focuses on all the posts containing "blue car". It won't search for the following content : blue auto and yellow car


It allows you to focus on all the posts containing this specific hashtag.

#car It focuses on all the posts containing the hashtag #car. It won't search for the posts containing the keyword "car" whithout #.


It allows you to only capt the posts in a specific language. xx = language abbreviation Main languages are : - fr : french - en : english - es : spanish - ja : japanese Check the 64 languages list

lang:en It focuses on all the english speaking posts.


It allows you to focus on all the posts containing a sequence of letters.

contains:lik It focuses on all the following contents : like, liked, likes But also : unlike, unlikely, etc.


It allows you to focus on a sequence of letters considering the case letter. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!contains:Mel It focuses on all the posts containing the sequence of characters Mel but considering the case letter (only with a capital M) This filter is very helpful if you want to focus on proper nouns.


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: contains / link_title_contains / link_description_contains It will focus on the list of characters contained in posts and articles'

full_contains:sport Will focus on posts and articles Esport, parasport, watersports ... This filter is very useful when you need to exclude data from all sources (posts / articles)


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: !contains / !link_title_contains / l!ink_description_contains It will focus on the list of characters contained in posts and articles' WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!full_contains:Ford It focuses on all the posts containing the following characters : Ford, but taking the case letter (only capital F) and accents into consideration.

Example : it will not take in "afford"

This filter is very useful if you want to focus on a name, proper noun, or a brand.


Allows you to focus on posts containing a specific emoji.

emoji:joy It focuses on all the posts containing the emoji "joy"😂

has_emoji: (true/false)

Allows you to focus on posts containing one or more emoji.

has_emoji:true It focuses on all the posts containing at least one emoji.


It allows you to filter on all the posts mentionning a Twitter account WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

mention:elonmusk It is only searching for posts in which Elon Musk's account is directly mentioned.


It allows you to filter on the posts mentioning accounts with a specific sequence of characters.

mention_contains:Tesco It focuses on posts in which all accounts associated with Tesco (Tesco, Tesco news, Tesco mobile...) are mentioned.

Filters on User's activity



It allows you to focus on all the posts thats have been generated by @user or @company WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

from:chriskempczinski It allows you to focus on all the posts published by Chris Kempczinski and all the reactions that have been generated by his posts.


It allows you to focus on all the posts thats have been generated by a user or a company

from_contains:Pichai It allows you to focus on all the posts published by Sundar Pichai and all the reactions that have been generated by his posts.


It allows you to focus on the activity of users (individuals or companies) whose display name contains a specific sequence of characters.

display_name_contains:law Will focus on accounts whose name contains the word law, so law, lawyer, lawyers ... but will also focus on coleslaw for example


It allows you to focus on the activity of users (individuals or companies) whose display name contains a specific sequence of characters. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!display_name_contains:UN Will enable you to focus on a list of individuals or companies that have the letter UN (written in caps) in their display names


It allows you to filter on a keyword that the user's (individuals or companies) biography contains, in order to identify specific communities.

bio:journalist It focuses on the activity of users (individuals or companies) whose biography contains the keyword "journalist". It won't search for "journalistic" for example. This filter is very useful for identifying people having an interest in something : bio:football It will focus on all the people that have talked about the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the word "football" in their user biography.


It allows you to filter on a sequence of characters that a user (individuals or companies) biography contains.

bio_contains:blog It focuses on the activity of users (individuals or companies) whose biography contains the following sequence of characters : blog. It allows you to expand the research to : blog,, blogger, etc. This filter is very useful for identifying people having a specific interest in something : bio_contains:sanofi It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned Sanofi in their user biography (Sanofi employees, Sanofi trade unionist, etc...)


It allows you to filter on a sequence of characters in users (individuals or companies) biography, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!bio_contains:PSG It focuses on the activity of the users (individuals or companies) who mention in their biography the following sequence of characters "PSG" but only if it's written in capital letters : PSG, PSGfans, PSGgroups, @PSG, etc... This filter is very useful for identifying users who have a specific interest in something : !bio_contains:Total It will list all the users that have posted on the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the brand Total in their user biography (Total employee, Total trade unionist, etc...)


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: bio_contains / screen_name_contains / display_name_contains: Filter on the activity of original users (individuals or companies) that have a specific sequence of of characters in users' biography; display name or screen name, in order to identify communities

profile_contains:climate Will focus on the activity of accounts (individuals or companies) that the sequence of characters climate in their bio, screen or display names. This will be very useful when looking to focus on the activity of a large group of users.


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: !bio_contains / !screen_name_contains / !display_name_contains

Filter on the activity of users (individuals or companies) that have a specific sequence of of characters in original users' biography; display name or screen name, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!profile_contains:Washington Will focus on the activity of users (individuals or companies) that have the sequence of characters Washington in their bios, screen or display names and taking into consideration the capital W. For example accounts for the Washington Post

followers_count: (</>/=)

It allows you to sort users (individuals or companies) according to a certain number of followers.

followers_count:>5000 It focuses on the activity of the users that have more than 5000 followers.

connections_count: (</>/=)

It allows you to sort the users (individuals or companies) according the number of accounts that they are connected with

connections_count:>5000 It focuses on the activity of the users that have more than 5000 connections.

is_company: (true / false)

Enables you to filter users according to the fact that they are individuals or companies

is_company:false Filters on users that are individuals

Filters on Shared Content


has_link: (true/false)

It allows you to isolate all the posts containing a link (articles, photos, videos...)

has_link:true It allows you to focus on all the posts related to your subject that contain a link redirecting to an article. Ideal if you want to focus on all the press coverage.


It allows you to isolate the articles whose URL contains a specific sequence of characters.

url_contains:scandal It focuses on the articles whose URL contains the following sequence of characters "scandal". It will take into consideration : scandal, scandalize, scandals...


It allows you to isolate articles whose title contains a specific sequence of characters.

link_title_contains:tax It focuses on articles whose title contains the following sequence of characters : "tax" It will take into consideration : tax, taxi, taxing, taxpayer...


It allows you to isolate articles whose title contains a specific sequence of characters. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!link_title_contains:UN It focuses on the articles whose title contains the sequence of characters : "UN".


It allows you to isolate articles whose body article (content, description, introduction) contains a specific sequence of characters.

link_description_contains:eco It focuses on the articles whose content contains the following sequence of characters "eco". It will take into consideration : eco, economy, ecological, ecofriendly, etc.


It allows you to isolate articles whose body article (content, description, introduction) contains a specific sequence of characters. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!link_description_contains:NATO It focuses on articles whose content contains the following sequence of characters : "NATO" with capital letters and exclude "nato" without capital letters.

has_video: (true/false)

It allows you to focus on all the posts containing a video.

has_video:true It allows you to focus on all the posts containing a video.

Filters on Reactions


likes: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated likes

likes:>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 likes.


(> / < / =)

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated views

views:>60000 Filters on posts that have generated more than 60 000 views

comments: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated comments

comments:>1000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 1000 comments.

interactions: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated interactions

interactions :>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 interactions.

shares: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated shares

shares:>2000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 2000 shares.

reactions: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated reactions

reactions :>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 reactions.

reactions_celebrate: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated "celebrate" reactions

reactions :>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 "celebrate" reactions

reactions_support: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated "support" reactions

reactions :>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 "support" reactions

reactions_love: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated "love" reactions

reactions :>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 "love" reactions

reactions_insightful: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated "insightful" reactions

reactions :>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 "insightful" reactions

reactions_funny: ( > / < / = )

It allows you to focus on the posts by generated "funny" reactions

reactions :>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 "funny" reactions

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