You can use the CTRL+F
or Command+F
to quickly find a specific filter in the table.
Main filters
Focus on all posts containing the keyword or the keyword prefixed with a #
car Will focus on posts containing the keyword or # car
"exact expression"
Focus on all the posts containing the exact expression : all the words of this expression, in this exact order.
"blue car" It focuses on all the posts with the key-expression 'blue car' in it. It doesn't search for the following content : the blue auto and the yellow car.
Focus on all the posts containing a specific hashtag.
#car It focuses on all the posts containing the hashtag #car. It won't search for the posts containing the keyword 'car' without a #.
lang:en It focuses on all the english speaking posts.
Focus on all the posts containing a sequence of characters. WARNING: this filter is not case & accent sensitive
contains:blog Will focus on posts containing the mentionned letters, will for example take into account keywords such as: blog, bloger, blogs ...
Focus on a sequence of characters while being word case sensitive.
WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive
It focuses on all the posts containing the characters's list Gap while being sensitive to word case (only with a capital L).
This filter is very useful to focus on a proper noun for example the name of your brand).
Combines contains / link_title_contains / link_description_contains / quoted_contains
Focus on specific character sequence contained in posts, articles and reposts
Will focus on posts, articles, and quoted posts that contain the list of characters sport. Esport, parasport, watersports ...
This filter is very useful when you need to exclude data from all sources (posts / articles / quoted posts / replies)
Combines !contains / !link_title_contains / !link_description_contains / !quoted_contains
Focus on specific character sequence contained in posts, articles and reposts
WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive
It focuses on all the posts containing the following characters : Ford, but taking the case letter (only capital F) and accents into consideration.
Example : it will not take in "afford"
This filter is very useful if you want to focus on a name, proper noun, or a brand.
Focus on posts containing a specific emoji.
emoji:joy It focuses on all the posts containing the emoji "joy"😂
has_emoji: (true/false)
Focus on posts containing one or more emoji.
has_emoji:true It focuses on all the posts containing at least one emoji.
Filter on all the posts mentionning another account WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive It is only searching for posts in which Barack Obama's account is directly mentioned.
Filter on the posts mentioning accounts with a specific character sequence
mention_contains:Tesco It focuses on posts in which all accounts associated with Tesco (Tesco, Tesco news, Tesco mobile...) are mentioned.
Define a maximum distance between two or three keywords
proximity:"apple samsung"~4 Focus on posts containing Apple and Samsung distanced by 4 keywords max
Account Filters
It allows you to focus on all the posts and reposts that have been generated by @user's posts.
WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive It allows you to focus on all the original posts published by Bloomberg and all the reposts that have been generated by his posts. We can also use as a shortcut.
Focuses on posts made by accounts whose account-name contains a series of specific character sequence Combines chanel_name_contains: / display_name_contains:
from_contains:news Focuses on posts published by accounts that have the word news in their username or displayname
Focuses on posts made by accounts whose channel name contains a series of specific character sequence
username_contains:gov Focuses on posts published by accounts that have the word news in their channel name
Focuses on posts made by accounts whose channel name contains a series of specific character sequence WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive
It focuses on all the posts published by accounts that have the word Ford in their channel name
Example : it will not take "afford"
This filter is very useful if you want to focus on a name, proper noun, or a brand.
It allows you to isolate the activity of the users whose the display name is a specific character sequence
display_name:Dior It focuses on the activity of the users whose display name is "Dior".
It allows you to isolate the activity of users whose display name contains a specific character sequence WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive
!display_name_contains:Media It filters on the activity of users whose display name contains the sequence of characters Media It allows you to find all the official accounts of big Media
Combines bio_contains / channel_name_contains/display_name_contains/
Filter on the activity of users that have a specific character sequence in users' biography; display name or username, in order to identify communities
profile_contains:government Will focus on the activity of accounts that the character sequence governement in their bio, username or displayname. This will be very useful when looking to focus on the activity of a large group of users.
Combines !bio_contains / !channel_name_contains / !display_name_contains /
Filter on the activity of users that have a specific character sequence in users' biography; display name or username, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive
!profile_contains:Washington Will focus on the activity of users that have the sequence of characters Washington in their bios, screen or display names and taking into consideration the capital W. For example accounts for the Washington Post
It allows you to focus on a keyword contained in biographies, in order to identify communities.
bio:journalist It focuses on the user's activity whose biography contains the word "journalist". It won't search for the word "journalists" or "journalistic". It can be helpful if you want to identify users declaring a specific interest :
bio:football It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the keyword "football" in their biography
It allows you to filter on a specific character sequence in channels' biographies, in order to identify communities
bio_contains:blog It filters on channels, whose biography contains "blog", activity It allows to increase the research : blog, blogging, blogger... It can be helpful to identify users declaring a specific interest for something : bio_contains:fashion It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned fashion in their biography
It allows you to filter on a specific character sequence in channels' biographies, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive
!bio_contains:Total It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the brand Total in their biography (Total employees, trade unionist...
followers_count: (</>/=)
It allows you to sort users according to a certain amount of followers.
followers_count:>5000 It focuses on the activity of users having more than 5000 followers.
Content filters
hashtag_count: (</>/=)
Sort posts according to the number of hashtag they contain.
hashtag_count:<10 Focus on all the posts that contain less than 10 hashtags.
mention_count: (</>/=)
Sort posts according to the number of accounts mentioned.
mention_count:<5 Focus on posts mentioning less than 5 accounts
word_count: (</>/=)
Sort posts according to the number of words (without hashtags) contained
word_count:>10 Focus on posts containing more than 10 words.
sentiment: (neutral / positive / negative)
Sort posts according the identified sentiment
sentiment:negative Focus on posts that have been identified as negative
views: (</>/=)
Focus on the posts with a defined number of generated views
views:>30000 Filter on posts that have generated more than 30000 views.
content_type: (photo/video)
Filter the posts according to the type of media shared : photos or videos.
content_type:video Focus on all posts that are videos.
Focus on channels according to their declared country
country:fr Focus on the activity of channels that are located in France.
Focus on channels according to their declared city
city:paris Focus on the activity of channels that are located in Paris.
is_reply: (true/false)
It allows you to focus on all the posts that are replying to other posts.
mention:mybrand is_reply:true It focuses on all the posts that mention @mybrand, but that are also answering to @mybrand's posts.
is_repost: (true/false)
It allows you to focus on all the posts that are reposting posts as content
is_repost:true Focus on posts reposting posts as content
Link Filters
Isolate all the articles coming from a website whose name contains a specific character sequence
domain_contains:blog Focus on links coming from a website whose domain contains "blog"
It allows you to isolate the articles whose URL contains a specific character sequence
url_contains:scandal Focus on the articles whose URL contains scandal It will take into consideration : scandal, scandalize, scandals...
Isolate articles whose title contain a specific character sequence
link_title_contains:tax Focus on articles whose title contains : tax It will take into consideration : tax, taxi, taxing, taxpayer...
Isolate articles whose title contains a specific character sequence
WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive
!link_title_contains:PSG Focus on articles whose title contain PSG in caps
Last updated
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