๐Ÿ“ฃEvent monitoring

Launch party, report, festival... Punctual events favor important peak of activity on social media because of hashtags, for exemple, that can quickly make a subject gain importance.

๐Ÿ”ก Topic creation

To monitor the impact of your event on social media, we advise you to make a list of all the key-words and hashtags related to it, in posts and articles.

a. Key-words and hashtags monitoring in posts

b. Key-words and hashtags monitoring in the title or the article's body

๐Ÿ”Ž Data analyze

a. Analyze volume's peaks

The volume curve line helps you to quickly understand the key-moment of your event and detected what aroused the most interest of the users. On your curve line you have the possibility to select different indicators and zoom on a specific period to get more details.

b. Detect rising hashtags

Even if you event is perfectly prepared it's always difficult to predict which hashtags are the most popular on the different networks. That's why we advice you to keep an eye on the data section and set up automatic alerts.

๐Ÿ’Œ Information sharing

a. By mail, Slack or Telegram

If you expect a large volume of conversation on the different networks, it's highly recommended to well set-up reports and alerts. In order to have a clear view on the posts. Here's some examples :

b. In a smartboard

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