Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok
Here are the operators available to create a Topic on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.
The CTRL+F command and Command+F on a Macbook allows you to easily find your operator in the table.
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List of operators for the rules block
Symbol | Use | Example |
Space | To associate words, corresponds to the logical "AND". | bank scandal To search posts that contain these two keywords, regardless of their position in the post. |
Sign * | To capture spelling variants | phone* *phone To capture phone, phones, but also iphone, smartphone... Please note that two stars cannot be placed on either side of a word, it necessarily requires two lines. |
Quote mark "" | To monitor an exact expression. | "General company" instead of General company to avoid picking up tweets such as: "the company had planned a general meeting for this day". |
@ | To monitor if an account is mentioned in text or identified in an Instagram image. | @societegenerale To capture publications that mention Société Générale or Instagram images that tag the account. |
There is no need to put the different variants with and without capital letters: Visibrain automatically takes into account all case variants.
Conversely, you have to think about listing the different variants of accentuation (é, à, ç, û, ï...). Indeed, Visibrain considers a word with accent different than a word without accent.
Last updated