
The CTRL+F command and Command+F on a Macbook allows you to easily find your filter in the table.

Common filter for all the social networks


Allows you to focus on all the posts containing the keyword with or without a hashtag before.

car It focuses on all the posts with the keyword 'car' or the hashtag 'car'.

'the exact expression'

Allows you to focus on all the posts containing the exact expression : all the words of this expression, in this exact order.

'blue car' It focuses on all the posts with the key-expression 'blue car' in it. It doesn't search for the following content : the blue auto and the yellow car.


Allows you to focus on all the posts containing a specific hashtag.

#car It focuses on all the posts containing the hashtag #car. It won't search for the posts containing the keyword 'car' without a #.


Allows you to only focus on posts in a specific language. xx = language abbreviation The main languages are : - fr : french - en : english - es : spanish - ja : japanese Check the 64 languages list

lang:en It focuses on all the english speaking posts.


Allows you to focus on all the posts containing a sequence of characters. WARNING: this filter is not case & accent sensitive

contains:blog will focus on posts containing the mentionned letters, will for example take into account keywords such as: blog, bloger, blogs ...


Allows you to focus on a sequence of characters while being word case sensitive. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!contains:Gap It focuses on all the posts containing the characters's list Gap while being sensitive to word case (only with a capital L). This filter is very useful to focus on a proper noun for example the name of your brand).


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: contains / link_title_contains / link_description_contains / quoted_contains It will focus on the list of characters contained in tweets', articles', replies' and quoted tweets'.

full_contains:sport Will focus on posts, articles, and quoted tweets that contain the list of characters sport. Esport, parasport, watersports ... This filter is very useful when you need to exclude data from all sources (tweets / articles / quoted tweets / replies)


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: !contains / !link_title_contains / !link_description_contains / !quoted_contains It will focus on the list of characters contained in tweets', articles', replies' and quoted tweets'.

WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!full_contains:Ford It focuses on all the posts containing the following characters : Ford, but taking the case letter (only capital F) and accents into consideration.

Example : it will not take in "afford"

This filter is very useful if you want to focus on a name, proper noun, or a brand.


Allows you to focus on posts containing a specific emoji.

emoji:joy It focuses on all the posts containing the emoji "joy"😂

has_emoji: (true/false)

Allows you to focus on posts containing one or more emoji.

has_emoji:true It focuses on all the posts containing at least one emoji.

Specific content filters for Twitter


retweet: (true/false)

It allows you to exclude or include retweets from your analysis

retweets:false It will exclude all the retweets of the analysis This filter is very useful if you wish to setup an alert but receive every retweet.

is_reply: (true/false)

It allows you to focus on all the tweets that are replying to other tweets.

mention:mybrand is_reply:true It focuses on all the tweets that mention @mybrand, but that are also answering to @mybrand's tweets.

in_reply_to: (true/false)

It focuses on a specific tweet's answers. You need to mention the tweet in the following format : "" (with the quote mark, without s to http and with statuses)

in_reply_to:"" It focuses on the follong tweet's replies : id 1130505564352598016

has_gps: (true/false)

It allows you to isolate all the posts that have a GPS location (the contact information transmited by the phone at the time the Tweet was published)

has_gps:true It allows you to isolate all the posts that have been posted with a GPS data.

has_geo: (true/false)

It allows you to isolate all the posts that have a geographic location. (the location that the user has declared in its biography) It's all the users who declared their location when they created their account

has_geo:true It allows you to focus on all the posts published by users that have declared their location.

has_link: (true/false)

It allows you to isolate all the posts containing a link (articles, photos, videos...)

has_link:true It allows you to focus on all the tweets related to your subject that contain a link redirecting to an article. It's ideal if you want to focus on all the press coverage.

has_medias: (true/false)

It allows you to focus on all the posts containing a photo or a video.

has_media:true It allows you to focus on all the posts containing a photo or a video.

Accounts filters



It allows you to focus on all the tweets and retweets thats have been generated by @user's tweets. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

from:elonmusk It allows you to focus on all the original tweets published by Elon Musk and all the retweets that have been generated by his posts. We can also use @elonmusk as a shortcut.


It allows you to filter on the activity posted by @user account (tweets and retweets made by the account). WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

by:elonmusk It filters on the activity of Elon Musk : original tweets and retweets made by the account. This operator won't consider the other accounts activity (retweets generated by Elon Musk will not be presented)


It allows you to filter on all the posts mentionning a Twitter account WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

mention:elonmusk It is only searching for posts in which Elon Musk's account is directly mentioned.


It allows you to filter on the posts mentioning accounts with a specific sequence of characters.

mention_contains:Tesco It focuses on posts in which all accounts associated with Tesco (Tesco, Tesco news, Tesco mobile...) are mentioned.


It allows you to filter on tweets quoting a specific user. A quote being neither a retweet or a mention, this operator allows to isolate this other type of engagement. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

quoted_user:elonmusk It focuses on all the posts quoting @elonmusk's tweets.


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: bio_contains / screen_name_contains / display_name_contains: Filter on the activity of original users that have a specific sequence of of characters in users' biography; display name or screen name, in order to identify communities.

profile_contains:government Will focus on the activity of accounts that the sequence of characters governement in their bio, screen or display names. This will be very useful when looking to focus on the activity of a large group of users.


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: original_bio_contains / original_screen_name_contains / original_display_name_contains Filter on the activity of original users that have a specific sequence of of characters in original users' biography; display name or screen name, in order to identify communities.

original_profile_contains:europe Will focus on the activity of original users that have the sequence of characters europe in their bios, screen or display names. This will be very useful when looking to focus on the activity of a large group of original users.


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: !bio_contains / !screen_name_contains / !display_name_contains

Filter on the activity of users that have a specific sequence of of characters in original users' biography; display name or screen name, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!profile_contains:Washington Will focus on the activity of users that have the sequence of characters Washington in their bios, screen or display names and taking into consideration the capital W. For example accounts for the Washington Post


Allows you to combine different filtering options at once: !original_bio_contains / !original_screen_name_contains / !original_display_name_contains Filter on the activity of original users that have a specific sequence of of characters in original users' biography; display name or screen name, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!original_profile_contains:Sanofi Will focus on the activity of original users that have the sequence of characters Sanofi in their bios, screen or display names and taking into consideration the capital S. For example, Sanofi workers union accounts


It allows you to focus on a keyword contained in biographies, in order to identify communities.

bio:journalist It focuses on the user's activity whose biography contains the word "journalist". It won't search for the word "journalists" or "journalistic". It can be helpful if you want to identify users declaring a specific interest : bio:football It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the keyword "football" in their biography.


It allows you to filter on a keyword in original users biographies.

original_bio:journalist It filters on the posts that have been published by users whose biography contains the word "journalist". It won't search for the word "journalistic" for example. It can be helpful if you want to identify original users declaring a specific interest for something : original_bio:france It will list al the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the word "france" in their biography.


It allows you to filter on a specific sequence of characters in users' biographies, in order to identify communities.

bio_contains:blog It filters on users activity whose biography contains the sequence of characters "blog". It allows to increase the research : blog,, blogger... It can be helpful to identify users declaring a specific interest for something : bio_contains:sanofi It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned Sanofi in their biography (Sanofi employees, trade unionist...)


It allows you to filter on a specific sequence of characters in original users' biography, in order to identify communities.

original_bio_contains:blog It focuses on the posts that have been posted by users whose biography contains the sequence of characters "blog". It allows you to increase the research : blog, blogger, It can be helpful to identify original users declaring a specific interest for something : original_bio_contains:medicine It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the word "medicine" in their biography (journalist, expert, speaker...)


It allows you to filter on a specific sequence of characters in users' biographies, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!bio_contains:PSG It focuses on the users activity whose biography contains the sequence of characters "PSG" only if it's written in capital letters : PSG, PSGfans, PSGgroups, @PSG... It can be helpful to identify users declaring a specific interest for something :

!bio_contains:Total It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the brand Total in their biography (Total employees, trade unionist...)


It allows you to filter on a specific sequence of characters in original users' biographies, in order to identify communities. WARNING: this filter is case & accent sensitive

!original_bio_contains:PSG It filters on the posts that have been posted by users whose biography contains the sequence of characters "PSG" only if it's written in capital letters : PSG, PSGfans, PSGgroups, @PSG... It can be helpful to identify original users declaring a specific interest for something : !original_bio_contains:travel It will list all the users that have participated to the analyzed topic and that have mentioned the word "travel" in their biography (travel agent, blog, journalist, fans...)


It allows you to filter on the activity of users that have indicated a specific location.

bio_location:paris It focuses on the activity of users that have declared being in Paris.


It allows you to filter on the posts of users that have declared a specific location.

original_bio_location:united It focuses on the activity of people that have declared a specific location containing the word "united". It will get people from United-States and United-Kingdom.


It allows you to filter on the posts of users that have declared a specific location related to a sequence of characters.

original_bio_location_contains:united It focuses on the original posts of users that have declared a location containing the word "united". It will get users from United-States and United-Kingdom.


It allows you to filter on users whose biography contains a specific website url

bio_website:"" It focuses on the activity of the users that have mentioned the Bloomberg website url. It can be helpful to identify Bloomberg journalists.


It allows you to filter on posts of users whose biography contains a specific website url.

original_bio_website:"" It focuses on posts of the users that have mentioned a link redirecting to The Times website in their biography.


It allows you to filter on the activity of users whose biography contains a website url containing a specific sequence of characters.

bio_website_contains:insta It focuses on the activity of users that have mentioned a link containing the characters "insta" in their biography. It can be helpful to identify influencers having an instagram account.


It allows you to filter on posts of the users whose biography contains a website url containing a specific sequence of characters.

original_bio_website_contains:blog It focuses on the activity of users that have mentioned a link containing the characters "blog" in their biography. It can be helpful to identify influencers having a blog.


It allows you to filter posts of users that have indicated the country in their Twitter bio.

country:france It focuses on all the posts of users that have France in their location.


It allows you to focus the posts of users that have indicated the region in their Twitter bio.

region:midwest It focuses on the posts of users have the midwest in their location.


It allows you to filter on the posts of users that have indicated the city they in their Twitter bio.

city:paris It focuses on the posts of users that have Paris in their location.


It allows you to filter on the posts of users with a specific interest for something (based on biography details).

original_interest:medicine It focuses on the posts of users that are interested in medicine.


It allows you to filter on the posts of users that have a specific interest for something, using a specific sequence of characters;

original_interest_contains:sport It filters on the posts of users interested in sport and e-sport.

verified: (true/false)

It allows you to sort users according to their verified status on their Twitter account

verified:true It focuses on the activity of verified Twitter account.

original_verified: (true/false)

It allows you to filter on Twitter original users, according to their verified status.

original_verified:true It focuses on the activity of users whose account is verify.

verified_type: (blue/business/government)

Enables you to filter through verified accounts' activity with Twitter's new verified types. Gold: Business Grey: Government Blue: Paid Accounts

verified_type:government Enables you to access government accounts' activity

original_verified_type: (blue/business/government)

Enables you to filter through verified accounts' posts and generated retweets with Twitter's new verified types. Gold: Business Grey: Government Blue: Paid Accounts

original_verified_type:business Enables you to focus on business accounts' tweets and generated retweet

audience: ("very low" / "low" / "medium" / "high" / "very high")

It allows you to sort users according to their number of followers : Very low : Less than 50 followers Low : Between 50 and 250 followers Medium : Between 250 and 1000 followers High : Between 1000 and 5000 followers Very high : More than 5000 followers

audience:"very high" It focuses on the activity of users having more than 5000 followers.

original_audience: ("very low" / "low" / "medium" / "high" / "very high")

It allows you to sort original users according to their number of followers : Very low : Less than 50 followers Low : Between 50 and 250 followers Medium : Between 250 and 1000 followers High : Between 1000 and 5000 followers Very high : More than 5000 followers

original_audience:high It focuses on the activity of the posts that have been published by users having more than 5000 followers.

followers_count: (>/</=)

It allows you to sort Twitter users according to a certain amount of followers.

followers_count:>5000 It focuses on the activity of users having more than 5000 followers.

original_followers_count: (>/</=)

It allows you to sort the original users according to an amount of followers.

original_followers_count:>5000 It focuses on the posts that have been published by original users having more than 5000 followers.

followings_count: (>/</=)

It allows you to sort the users according to the number of account they follow

followings_count:<200 It focuses on the activity of users following less than 200 followers.

activity: ("very low" / "low" / "medium" / "high" / "very high")

It allows you to sort users according to the average activity (Tweets average posted per day since the account creation) Very low : less than 0.15 tweet per day Low : between 0.15 an 2 tweets per day Medium : between 2 and 10 tweets per day High : between 10 and 20 tweets per day Very high : more than 20 tweets per day

original_activity:medium It focuses on the posts of original users whose activity (tweets average posted per day since the account creation) is between 2 and 10 tweets per day.

activity_value: (>/</=)

It allows you to sort users according to their average activity (tweets average per day that have been published since the account creation)

activity_value:<20 It focuses on the activity of users having an average activity below 20 tweets/day.

original_activity_value: (>/</=)

It allows you to sort original users according to their average activity (average of tweets that have been published per day since the account creation).

original_activity_value:<20 It focuses on the posts published by original users whose average activity is below 20 tweets per day.

tweet_count: (>/</=)

It allows you to sort users according to the number of posts that they have posted or reposted since their account creation.

tweet_count:>20 It focuses on the activity of users that have published at least 20 different tweets or retweets since their account creation. It can be helpful to identify fans and detractors.

original_tweet_count: (>/</=)

It allows you to sort original users according to the number of posts they have published since their account creation.

original_tweet_count:>20 It focuses on the posts of original users that have published at least 20 different tweets since the creation of their account. It can be helpful to identify fans and detractors on the topic.

gender: (female/male)

It allows you to sort users according to their declared gender This type of filter is based on a declarative data (according of what the user has decided to share on Twitter), it can represent a sample.

gender:(male OR female) It allows you to focus on the activity of the users that declared a specific gender (who doesn't have neutral gender as companies or media or bots).

original_gender: (female/male)

It allows you to sort original users according to the gender they have declared. This type of filter is based on a declarative data (according to what the user has decided to share on Twitter). It can represent a sample.

original_gender:female It allows you to focus on posts of users that declared being a female.


It allows you to focus on the activity of users whose Twitter account name ("@") contains a specific sequence of characters.

screen_name_contains:Tesco It allows you to focus on the activity of all the Twitter accounts containing the sequence of characters "Tesco" in their handle. It will get : @Tesco @Tescomobile @Tesconews It allows you to easily identify the activity of the group Tesco without having to write each different entity.


It allows you to isolate original users according to their Twitter account name (Handle).

original_screen_name_contains:airbus It allows you to focus on the posts that have been published by the different airbus accounts : @Airbus @AirbusPRESS @AirbusCareers @AirbusSpace ... It allows you to identify all the different communication channels of the brand and all the posts that have been published by these accounts without having to write them one by one.


It allows you to isolate the activity of the users whose the display name is a specific keyword.

display_name:Dior It focuses on the activity of the users whose display name is "Dior".


It allows you to isolate on the posts of original users whose display name contains a specific keyword.

original_display_name:dior It focuses on the posts that have been published by original users whose display name is "dior".


It allows you to isolate the activity of users whose display name contains a specific sequence of characters.

display_name_contains:exhibition It filters on the activity of users whose display name contains the sequence of characters "exhibition". It allows you to find all the official accounts of big exhibitions.


It allows you to isolate all the posts of original users whose display name contains a specific sequence of characters.

original_display_name_contains:minister It focuses on the posts that have been published by original users whose display name contains the sequence of characters "minister". It allows you to isolate communications posted by the government official accounts.

Filters on quoted tweets


quoting: (true/false)

It allows you to isolate tweets quoting another tweet.

quoting:true It focuses on tweets quoting another one.


It allows you to filter on keyword used in a quoted tweet.

quoted:airbus It focuses on tweets quoting another one that contains the keyword "airbus".


It allows you to filter on a specific sequence of characters that has been used in a quoted tweet.

quoted_contains:problem It focuses on tweets quoting another one that contains the sequence of characters "problem" (problems, problem, problematic...).


It allows you to filter on a specific sequence of characters that has been used in a quoted tweet, while taking the case letter into consideration.

!quoted_contains:PSG It focuses on tweets quoting another one that contains the sequence of characters PSG (PSG, #PSGMANCHESTER, ...)


It allows you to filter on tweets quoting a specific user. A quote being neither a retweet or a mention, this operator allows to isolate this other type of engagement

quoted_user:elonmusk It focuses on tweets quoting one of @elonmusk's tweets.


It allows you to filter on tweets quoting a specific other tweet. A quoted tweet being neither neither a retweet or a link share, this operator allows to isolate this other type share. Write the tweet under this format : ""

quoted_tweet: It isolates quoted tweets whose ID is 1090292597573193728


It allows you to filter on the posts quoting a user tweet containing a specific keyword in its biography.

quoted_bio:minister It filters on all the posts quoting ministers tweets.


It allows you to filter on the posts quoting a user's tweet containing a specific sequence of characters in its biography.

quoted_bio_contains:eco It focuses on all the posts quoting tweets that have been posted by users whose biography contains the sequence of characters "eco". It will get "economy", "ecological", "ecofriendly", etc...


It allows you to filter on posts quoting a user's tweet whose biography contains a specific sequence of characters while taking the case letter into consideration.

!quoted_bio_contains:Apple It focuses on the posts quoting tweets that have been posted by users whose biography contains the sequence of characters "Apple" with capital A. It will get : Appel, Appleaddict, proApple, antiApple It won't get : apple, applefruit...



It allows you to isolate all the articles that have been posted on a specific website.

domain:bloomberg It focuses on the articles that come from Bloomberg Website. It allows to isolate all the content whose impact is really strong.


It allows you to isolate all the articles coming from a website whose name contains a specific sequence of characters.

domain_contains:blog It focuses on the link coming from a website whose domain contains the following sequence of characters : "blog"


It allows you to isolate the articles whose URL contains a specific sequence of characters.

url_contains:scandal It focuses on the articles whose URL contains the following sequence of characters "scandal". It will take into consideration : scandal, scandalize, scandals...


It allows you to isolate articles whose title contains a specific word.

link_title:taxes It focuses on the articles whose title contains the word "taxes"


It allows you to isolate articles whose title contains a specific sequence of characters.

link_title_contains:tax It focuses on articles whose title contains the following sequence of characters : "tax" It will take into consideration : tax, taxi, taxing, taxpayer...


It allows you to isolate articles whose title contains a specific sequence of characters, while taking the case letter into consideration.

!link_title_contains:PSG It focuses on the articles whose title contains the sequence of characters : "PSG".


It allows you to isolate articles whose body article (content, description, introduction) contains a specific sequence of characters.

link_description_contains:eco It focuses on the articles whose content contains the following sequence of characters "eco". It will take into consideration : eco, economy, ecological, ecofriendly, etc.


It allows you to isolate articles whose body article (content, description, introduction) contains a specific sequence of characters while taking the case letter into consideration.

!link_description_contains:PSG It focuses on articles whose content contains the following sequence of characters : "PSG" with capital letters and exclude "psg" without capital letters. It works the same with accents. It will take into consideration : PSG, PSGfans, PSGgroup .....

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